Newer players shouldn't feel overwhelmed as this is just a reference guide, and it is not necessary to know all these builds. The Scouts and Men-at-Arms builds are the most important for 1v1, though the Men-at-Arms build is particularly difficult to execute well. For those wondering where to start: the Archers and FC Knights builds are the most important for team games, with FC Boom also being well worth knowing. There are three sections: the first section includes the most important builds - mostly for open land maps like Arabia, the second section includes some additional builds for closed maps like Arena, and the final section covers a selection of the more useful civ-specific builds. All of these can be executed without deer, and without a civ bonus (unless civilization is stated). AoE II Build Order Reference by Cicero These builds come with the usual qualifying remarks regarding build orders in general: they are guidelines only and simply demonstrate general patterns and principles for Dark and Feudal Age economy set-up and transitions.